living it…

Just a couple of days ago, I heard from Radio Fly 1 ( that they were adding my song “I will not be your fool” to their play list. I’ve now had the honor to be included on three internet radio stations and one syndicated program. Then I got news that Veracruz Music International and Schmusicmusic would be presenting my song “Jump with me” in Cannes to MIDEM attendees through their highly respected compilation of emerging independent artists. MIDEM in case you don’t know is the world’s largest music industry conference and attracts nearly 10,000 delegates from almost 100 countries, from the recording, publishing, live, sync, digital and mobile sectors. I’m a little humbled by this attention but I would be a lie if I didn’t admit that this is encouraging and helps me stay focused on performing at my best whenever I am blessed with an audience and an opportunity to perform.  So if this translates into me having just a little more time on this earth to do what I love and to be in front of an audience, thanks.