Am I the third best songwriter?

I have already had some great things happen with the music from “Bounce” and have blogged about some of it. Well, here’s some cool news. My Dad listened to the CD and said he liked it. ok, so that may not count much in your book so…

I received a third place from the folks at the Artistic Freedom Collective and AFC RADIO in their songwriter contest. 13 Judges from three different countries and all aspects of the music industry completed the final judging.

I like and believe in my work. Most people can tell whether an artist believes in their performance. And industry people smell that a mile away. So it’s cool to get recognized by people in the industry with a sincere mind set of bringing good music to the front.

But what really gets me jazzed is when I hear from someone who randomly decides to send me an email to say how much they liked one of my songs. Thanks for your support.

Oh, about the contest. I will be featured on their station for the month along with the first and second place song writers. AFC Broadcasts 24/7 via streaming programs and has live shows throughout the week. More information on the afc can be found at

One thought on “Am I the third best songwriter?”

  1. Y’know I forgot to answer the question. So yesterday I was working outside on my deck and my neighbor was playing some music. First he had a Santana CD playing. Then he put in a Ray Charles CD. And when I watched idol (yes I watch it), they were singing Gershwin and Cole and so seriously I’m not the third best songwriter. But apparently at that time, compared to the other indie writers they were listening to, someone thought I was… and thats a nice feeling. Be well.

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