Just a couple of days ago, I heard from Radio Fly 1 (http://www.radiofly1.com/) that they were adding my song “I will not be your fool” to their play list. I’ve now had the honor to be included on three internet radio stations and one syndicated program. Then I got news that Veracruz Music International Continue reading “living it…”
Category: Uncategorized
Some people really do suck… check out this scam
I was just the target of a scam. My scammer was a bit of an idiot, but he still managed to screw me up. He booked my trio for New Year’s Eve. He sends his deposit check as a bank check Continue reading “Some people really do suck… check out this scam”
the thing about holiday parties…
I think its cool how this time of year people have big parties. They invite as many people as they can, get the best food and drink and many go out of their way to have live music at their parties. And so I get invited to perform at some of these gatherings. Continue reading “the thing about holiday parties…”
Feels good to be on the playlist
I was recently notified that one of my songs was added to the rotation of a prominent webcast radio station called Moozikoo Radio. http://moozikooradio.com/. “I will not be your fool” is my anthem for every bad relationship I’ve ever experienced.
This is the third Continue reading “Feels good to be on the playlist”
Let the Trio begin
It’s hard to define the relationship between the music and the performer, especially in a live performance. As a solo performer, there’s a sense of connectedness and flow when the music comes straight from you with no one else influencing what you do. It’s pure. It can be a lot of work. It is extremely rewarding. I love performing solo.
But the trio is a different challenge and opportunity. Continue reading “Let the Trio begin”
Thanks for supporting live music, my music
It is not lost on me how important your support is to my ability to continue performing at these great locations. In case you havent thought about it, you should know that every time any musician performs, someone is counting…
It is not lost on me how important your support is to my ability to continue performing at these great locations. In case you havent thought about it, you should know that every time any musician performs, someone is counting Continue reading “Thanks for supporting live music, my music”